My name is nadiah Syahirah Bt. ahmad Jailani. I stay at USJ27. I am 13 years old. I love animals and music.I love pink to0. The most impoertant ppl in my life is SWAN,syai,daddy and mummy. I take a organ lessons at JC music. Now im in grade 3. My ambition is to be a vet(veterinarian). My life as a teenager is just started this year. A lot of things happend to me.
This year is my 1st year im in high school. I go to SMk USJ23. Its near my house. My mom teach there. So im as known as teachers daughter. 1st day of scho0l,i meet new friend named Nurul a'shyqin. I call her qeen. i have no friends in my class because only me and sharifah from SK DATO ONN JAAFAR. Sharifah go to 1 Bumi. I go to 1 zuhrah.
The 1st day i only went recess with sharifa becaused we had no friends yet. In the 2nd day me,sharifah,qeen had a new friend which is qeen's best friend since they in st.1. Her name is wan nurifna nabilah. To0 long so we call her wann. We started be besties and recess together. The 3rd day our drama started. This 3 girls named jessi,melissa and khairunisa said that we are priss. We hate it so much! To make it easy we ignore them. But the most we ignore them, the most they think we are losers. So we discuss about it and we desided to fight them back. Untill jessi's sister, Julie form 2 get involve with our fight.
Julie talk to us"why did u call my sister priss?". then qeen answer "huh? we did't call you sister priss, they call us priss. who told you that" Julie answer "My sister jessi. She complained to me". thats mean! we did't say anything! "owhh yeah? We don't want to fight with you so whatever!" qeen said.
I complained it to my mom and my mom told Pn.Banon our deciplin teacher. 4 days later, me and wan went to toilet. julie's gang was there. So one of her friend says "did u tell Pn.Banon? Well if you tell her,i will....." I just keep quiet and back to class... When recess time i tell my clicks about it. Then they wann said "we should discuss it with counsling teacher pn. nazmah". Sharifah aree about it. So we went there after recess and tell her what happend.
She said "Just ignore it. It dosen't mean that you lose. " So we agree with it. We did't look at them,we just ignore when they call us. 3 days later,me and qeen went to toilet. they was there in the toilet. they said "are you guys still mad at us? look we're sorry about it." Then i say " Its okey". when i and qeen back to class,we tell wann what happend in the toilet and we proud of our selve. When recess time,we don't have to worry again. No one can win with us.
So if you have a problems like this,all you need to do is ignore it. Don't fight back.It will make the problems hard to solve.
this is what i call girl power